Come Explore Salem ELCA's New Website
The Web
It’s a Tool Believers
Can Leverage for
Effective Outreach
in the Community
Calendars, Events, Outreach, Scheduling, Contacts & More!
by Daniel Maurer, Salem’s Interim Webmaster
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church of North Minneapolis is proud to announce the birth . . . of its new website!
The main page’s menu contains all the links you need to find the information you’re searching for. Worship links to participate online will be posted weekly, as well as special services or music the congregation will be hosting. What’s more, the church calendar and events page will automatically update each month so current members—as well as potential ones—can see the times and places when and where Salem will host the events.
Websites, in general, are simply tools . . . tools not only to reach out to potential members looking for a church home, but also effective aids for communication with church members seeking information about events and/or requirements or needs (as, for example, with confirmation students).
We hope you enjoy the website and encourage you to reach out if you have any suggestions or comments to improve it. Daniel D. Maurer, Salem ELCA’s temporary webmaster, is always available via email, or you can also email the church office for more church-related comments.